How to Protect Your AC From Theft
As a Florida homeowner, you likely don’t worry about your air conditioner being stolen. Unfortunately, thanks to the worldwide market demand for copper increasing, AC theft is becoming all too common.
Opportunistic thieves have been known to snipe copper wiring and plumbing from homes, but now, they’ve started targeting outdoor AC units too. Unlike copper wiring and plumbing that are located inside of homes, outdoor AC units are easier to steal since thieves can access them at night, while you’re on vacation, or another time when the crime may go unnoticed.
Considering your air conditioning system is a significant investment in your home, the last thing you want is for a thief to steal it in mere minutes. Luckily, there are a few ways you can protect your investment. Here’s how to keep your AC secure.
1. Lock Your AC Unit
A simple way to keep your AC unit protected is to enclose the outdoor unit in a special cage or wire fence. The added challenge will likely discourage thieves from trying to steal it.
2. Remove Landscaping or Fencing by Your AC Unit
While landscaping and fencing around your AC unit provides aesthetic benefits, it also obstructs the view of your AC unit, ultimately giving thieves the ability to do their dirty work out of sight. One of the easiest ways to keep your AC secure is by making sure it’s not out of sight.
3. Install Lighting Around Your AC Unit
Something as simple as installing a small light or a stop-motion light, can deter thieves from stealing your AC unit. We recommend looking into outdoor security lighting at your local hardware store.
4. Put Your Information on Your AC Unit
Putting information that’s unique to you and your property on components of your AC unit can deter thieves I’m doing their dirty work. In the event that they do still steal your AC, if they try to sell the parts at a later date, your information will be there. A reputable pawn shop or scrap metal company may bring this information to the police, who can then potentially track down the criminals.
5. Install an Alarm
For homeowners who really want to up the ante when it comes to securing their AC, we recommend looking into having an HVAC company install an alarm. An alarm works to check for voltage Interruption, tampering, or refrigerant loss. When the alarm senses any of these, a siren will sound. Many of these devices can also be programmed to call you if your AC has been compromised. Best of all, there are many alarm options that can be retrofitted to your current air conditioning system, so you won’t need to worry about investing in a new one.
Learn More Ways to Keep Your AC Secure With A+ Air Conditioning
At A+ Air Conditioning, we know you work hard for your money. That’s why we want to help you keep your AC secure. If you’re looking for more ways to protect your investment, we can help. Call us at (352) 374-4988 for a consultation or to schedule an appointment.